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“Health is Wealth”

Dr. Parul Sharma

The famous saying “Health is Wealth” emphasizes the importance of health as a foundation to build a prosperous life and vibrant future. In examining these words, we can see that it means much more than simply saying “health is priceless”, but rather that health – the good state of being – is essential to live a rich and fulfilling life. The phrase suggests that health and well-being are not just the means, but very much ends that in themselves. It implies that good health can “enrich” and provide “wealth” as well as a richness of spirit and mindset.

Yes, “Heath is Wealth,” also highlights a different kind of wealth– a wealth that allows us to show gratitude for  life itself and appreciate the precious gift of good health without which we cannot savor nor “drink in the cup of human health”. It encourages us to value the “wealth” of health enough to protect and cherish it.

Upon further examination, these revelations could significantly foreshadow a wealth of wisdom leading to spiritual liberation. The wisdom to value our health is to truly be “wealth wise”. The wisdom to cultivate true health is a commitment to the truth and ability to grasp the reality of one’s physical and spiritual state of being. It’s the wisdom not to deny but to remain true to fact, without succumbing to deluding ourselves through denial. It’s the wisdom to recognize the vital importance of maintaining our physiological health. This allows us to better advance spiritually and transcendentally; with psychological, emotional and physical wellness.

But let’s begin with the words that literally make evident the wisdom behind “Health is Wealth”, those three words spoken by the prominent physician and professor of Geriatrics, Dr. Dennis Walliman.

Those words are: “Health is Wealth…Unlocking the Secrets to Aging Well.”

Here is an excerpt from his book in progress, ‘Health is Wealth – Aging Well, being Healthy’, revealing valuable insight and a priceless perspective that could open many eyes:

“One of the most revealing manifestations of one’s personal values is how one responds to being told “Health is Wealth”!  To those who exclaim something like ‘Get Healthy for what?’…In that skepticism there’s truth; certain types of health can indeed actually jeopardize optimal vigor and wellbeing. There are many ways to remain eternally strong – physically, mentally and spiritually!  And by understanding the implications, people learn the ‘eternal spring’ of health benefits and enrichments this creates”.

Wise ancient sages and scholars kept saying in different ways the same basic things. That health must be protected, preserved and promoted – and this must forever be the focus.  

This also reveals an overarching and vital part of human culture – keeping the mind, body and spirit strong. And it’s about improving overall personal productivity, satisfaction and joy; which in turn improves all human relationships, our vitality and serenity. One’s “eternal spring” is the return on nurturing, nourishing, safeguarding and embracing health.

Unlocking the secrets to aging well, being healthy and maintaining vibrant vitality is the ultimate gift to being youthful and staying perpetually positive.

In examining the many ideas and perspectives around the saying “Health is Wealth”, we can better understand the essence, importance and wisdom motivating these words. The timeless wisdom, in fact, behind the saying “Health is Wealth” is respecting and valuing the very healthiest well-being of one’s priceless journey in life.

I’ve learned that as we age, we really don’t often focus on health topics enough, until major issues arise that dramatically impact our families, friends or one’s self. In some cultures and ages past, it was more common for people to focus on good health in a more natural way.

It’s a way of Life. It’s about vitality. It’s about Vibrant spirit.  However – like most things – it’s an issue of proportion and application: when taken to extremes or without wisdom, good health can also deteriorate to imbalanced and become less effective.  Health is Wealth not necessarily in a straightforward or strict definable way: maintaining a vital state of good health a critical necessity.

Our health actually affects almost everything, as it either enriches, restores and rejuvenates – or deteriorates and impoverishes our experience and enjoyment of life itself. Therefore, our Health helps create our experience, and determines our Wealth…by how we attend, respect, nurture, revere and sustain –  in relationship with ourselves, others and with Life itself.

I initially experienced the wisdom behind the saying “Health is Wealth” in my early twenties. That was when I came to sincerely appreciate its deeper meaning.

One fateful summer in Philadelphia, upon accepting a coupon advertising a “Vitamin Blitz” promotion at a Health Food Store, I’d decided to buy all new, locally based Health publications.

Thumbing through the pages and glancing over the titles and bright neon display pictures on the covers, my mouth gradually dropped open as I began to take in, little by little the myriad of natural health topics. I started to study these holistic health topics without knowing that’s what I was doing. One thing led to another, resulting in a lifestyle overhaul.

My eyesight was initially startled at the fascinating treasure trove that started to reveal itself. Hints of intrigue made me investigate these natural philosophies further. Every revelation turned into an “Aha..” moment.  It was great fun – and completely healthy for me.

Slowly it became evident to me, without having it explained outright the overall implications. It dawns on you as the whole forest emerges from initially noticing just the trees. Now, when I encounter the phrase “Health is Wealth” I can sense the synergy, the harmony, and, yes – the wealth derived from living and relating any health that we attempt to acquire.

However, with more awareness ultimately comes more personal responsibly placed directly upon ourselves. Accepting personal health accountability changes the relationship most of us were raised to have with ourselves.

Applying good health by practicing daily the principles of good nutrition – while continually improving our vitality – provides us a sharper outlook and appreciation for a future of possibilities, hopes, dreams and ambitions. Our focus shifts from being too small to appreciate ourselves – to expanding further into a more healthful, happier present and future self!

We take on the responsibility for constant personal growth; we take on the responsibility not only for committing to ourselves, but for committing to life itself! We take on the responsibility for personal rejuvenation, self-replenishment…and Health is Wealth requires making that step.

Focusing on health inevitably implies leading more fulfilling and healthier well-being: maximizing our personal health and fulfillment – our total state of optimal well-being. Health is personal Wealth means investing greater health – for all human relations, activities, involvements.

Without the wisdom of wellness –“Health is Wealth” means to forsake these: – To forsake fulfilling one’s highest quality of vitality – in happiness, beauty, passion, interest, charisma, vivacity; – To forsake pursuing the most of enjoyment, optimism, attraction, enrichment; – To forsake radiant health – the kind that would renew the wellness and the freshness of our vitality and vigor.

Health is a worthy wealth not just for its own sake. It enriches every way with richness and lushness, like the way a fountain is charged constantly springing forward to new life and regeneration.

So what are the aspects and ways that Health is Wealth? – The perspectives, the ways of looking in which it’s considered an invaluable advantage to sustain?

Firstly, there’s maintaining nutrition – both for outer beauty and inner radiant vitality – in addition to fitness and strength – for endurance and longevity – by eating nutritious foods like superfoods!

Secondly, there’s improving one’s inner and outer health. Inner improvements by meditation and healing – like visualizing one’s best desired spirit. Outer improvements by drinking cleansing fluids – like water and energy restoring fluids.

Thirdly, there’s strengthening self – by clarifying one’s intention, mindfulness, intellect, presence. And finally there’s fortifying our true sense of purpose and passion to live longer, happier!

Spiritually, the essence of good health is restoring our connection with the Earth. It’s feeling fully alive by rooting ourselves in the present – while our energy nourishes the Earth continually with our blood, sweat, and tears of joy.

Physically, Health is Wealth means sustaining ourselves as we age – even enhancing vigor with rejuvenating herbs. It means maintaining vitality even when pain or fatigue fleetingly drain our reserves.

Energetically, it means we continue renewing ourselves – through cleansing, diet, exercise, sustaining energy by recharging optimal wellness.

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